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BTNEP ( Restore Or Retreat ( Restore Our Bayou (
Addison, J. (editor) 2003. Global climate change and its impact on Louisiana's coastal wetlands. Watermarks Special Issue, Number 22. 2003. Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program. 1991. Scientific-technical committee data inventory workshop proceedings. BTNEP Publication 5. Becnel, T. 1990. The Barrow family and the Barataria and Lafourche Canal. The transportation revolution in Louisiana, 1829-1925. Louisiana State University Press. Center For Bioenvironmental Research. 2005. State management plan for aquatic invasive species in Louisiana. Final Report. CH2MHILL. 2004. Phase 1. Reconnaissance-level evaluation of the Third Delta Conveyance Channel project. Final Report to Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. CH2MHILL. 2006. Mississippi River water reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche. Phase 2 design report - local drainage strategy, planning, and design approach. Technical Memorandum. Condrey, R. 1991. The early explorer' views of the Barataria-Terrebonne system: the fork in the River and its island. Pages 430-441 in Scientific-technical committee data inventory workshop proceedings. BTNEP Publication 5. Condrey, R., P. Kemp, and J. Visser. D. (editors). 1995. Status, trends, and probable causes of change in living resources in the Barataria -Terrebponne estuarine system. BTNEP Publication No. 21. Conner, W. H. and J. W. Day, Jr. 1987. The ecology of Barataria Basin, Louisiana: an estuarine profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report 85(7.13). 165 pp. Davis, D. W. 1973. Louisiana canals and their influence on wetland development. Ph. Diss. Louisiana State University. Davis, D. W. 1985. Canals of the Lafourche Country. Pages 150-164 in Uzee, P. (editor) . Lafourche Country: The People and the Land. Lafourche Heritage Society. Emmer, R. E., W. Falgoux, and C. Curole. 2003. Bayou Lafourche from Donaldsonville to the Gulf of Mexico: an evolving landscape 1941-2003. BTNEP Report. Gagliano, V. and J. van Beek. 1998. A third branch for the Mississippi River: the Lafourche conveyance channel. Report, Coastal Environments, Inc. Gosselink, J. 1984. The ecology of delta marshes of coastal Louisiana: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Publication FWS/OBS-84/09. Harrison, R. W. and W. M. Kollmorgan. 1947. Drainage reclamation in the coastal marshlands of the Mississippi River Delta. The La. Historical Quarterly, 30(2):657-676. Lafourche-Terrebonne Soil Conservation District. 1962. Work plan for watershed protection, flood prevention and agricultural water management. Bayou Folse watershed, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. Leblanc, J.J. 1959. The story of Lockport, Louisiana. Leblanc, J.J. 1999. The story of Lockport, Louisiana. Volume II. Lo, J. and J. Day. 2004. Wetlands: impacts of energy development in the Mississippi Delta. Pages 397-408 in Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 6. Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. 2008. Bayou Folse watershed TMDL for biochemical oxygen-demanding substances and nutrients. TMDL Report. Matthews, S. 1984. Soil survey of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. U.S. Dept. Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Report. McKenzie, L., M. Wascom, and W. Keithly. (editors). 1995. Land use and socioeconomic status and trends in the Barataria -Terrebponne estuarine system. BTNEP Publication No. 23. Okey, C. W. 1918. Wetlands of southern Louisiana. US Dept Agriculture, Bull. No. 652. Rabalais, N. (editor). 1995. Status and trends of eutrophication, contamination, and toxi substances in the Barataria -Terrebponne estuarine system. BTNEP Publication 22. Reed, D. (editor). 1995. Status and trends of hydrologic modification, reduction in sediment availability, and habitat loss / modification in the Barataria -Terrebponne estuarine system. BTNEP Publication 20. Reed, D. and L. Wilson. 2004. Coast 2050: a new approach to restoration of Louisiana coastal wetlands. Physical Geography, 25(1):4-21. Turner, R. E., E. Swenson, and J. Lee. 1991. Issues and recommendations regarding wetland changes, dredging, and restoration in coastal Louisiana. Pages 430-441 in Scientific-technical committee data inventory workshop proceedings. BTNEP Publication 5. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1962. Work plan for watershed protection, flood prevention, and agricultural water management. Bayou Folse watershed. Report. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1986. Lafourche-Terrebonne Cooperative River Basin study report. Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2001. Mississippi River and tributaries Morganza, Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico hurricane protection. Draft Feasibility Report, Vol. II. Uzee, P. 1968. Bayou Lafourche. Pages 121-128 in Edwin Davis (editor). Rivers and Bayous of Louisiana. Louisiana Educational Research Association. Van Beek, J., D. Davis, R. Emmer, S. Hsu, I. Mendelssohn, D. Sabins, C. Wax, and K. Wicker. 1981. An introduction to the environmental literature of the Mississippi River deltaic plain region. U. S. Dept. Interior, Biological Services Program, Publication FWS/OBS-79/30. Weinstein, R. A. and S. W. Gagliano. 1985. The shifting deltaic coast of the Lafourche Country and its preshistoric settlement. Pages 122-149 in Uzee, P. (editor). Lafourche Country:
The People and the Land. Lafourche Heritage Society.
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