Commission Bylaws
ARTICLE I. In a sequence of legislative events, (1966 Act 379 Section 802 et seq. R.S. 56:801 Part II (16) et seq.; R. S. 802 Responsibilities and duties; R.S. 36:610 C (7) et. seq. R.S. 56:722 et seq.; R.S. 722.1 et seq.; Lafourche Parish Ordinance 1382; Lafourche Parish Ordinance 1386; and Lafourche Parish Ordinance 3141) the "Lafourche Parish Game and Fish Management Commission" was created and established. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE (1) It shall be the purpose of the Lafourche Parish Game and Fish Management Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "Commission", to manage and govern the territorial area as referenced in Article I to enhance the wildlife and fisheries resources of the area, and for the use of the general public in a recreational or commercial endeavor. (2) The Commission shall encourage tourism through sound management of a recreational based programs of sport fishing and hunting activities. (3) The Commission shall have a program and a goal to establish and maintain an environment conducive to the recreational needs of the Parish of Lafourche. (4) The Commission may engage in or allow the taking of certain species of wildlife and or fishes for commercial purposes. ARTICLE III. Section 1. Administration The Commission shall be governed by that number of members as specified in Louisiana State statues which state the Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the Lafourche Parish Government. However, if lesser members are appointed by the Lafourche Parish Government, then that number shall be recognized. A quorum shall be based upon the number of Commission members appointed by the Lafourche Parish Government and more specifically defined as a simple majority of active members. An inactive member is defined as one who has indicated verbally to the Chairman or Secretary that they are resigning or who has submitted a letter of resignation. An inactive member, however, may continue to participate in meetings until their replacement has been assigned; in such a case, an inactive member would be a part of the quorum. (2) Meetings shall be held as determined by the Chairman or by a majority vote of Commission members. (3) Meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, unless otherwise noted in bylaws. (4) All meeting notices and agendas shall be posted at the Lockport Town Hall or meeting site and on the Commission web site at (5) The Commission shall operate on a calendar year basis, with January 1st being the start of said year and December 31st being the end. (6) Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman shall take place on the last meeting of the calendar year and those elected shall assume their duties on the first meeting of the year. If a chairman resigns, then the Vice Chairman shall become the Chairman subject to approval by a majority vote of the Commission. If the Vice-Chairman position becomes vacant, then the replacement may be determined by a majority vote of the Commission. (7) All unfinished business for the existing leadership shall be concluded prior to the end of their term whenever possible. (8) A member shall serve at the pleasure of the Lafourche Parish Council or until removed with cause. (Definition, with cause: shall be defined as having missed three consecutive meetings without just reason or having been found guilty in any Court of a "felony".) (9) The Commission may recommend to the Parish Council or Mayor of Lockport that a member be replaced because of three consecutive unexcused absences; a two-thirds vote is required. (10) State statutes stipulate that the Lafourche Parish Government shall appoint seven members to the Commission. A quorum is defined as a simple majority of members appointed by the Lafourche Parish Government appoints who are active members. as a simple majority of active members. An inactive member is defined as one who has indicated verbally to the Chairman or Secretary that they are resigning or who has submitted a letter of resignation. An inactive member, however, may continue to participate in meetings until their replacement has been assigned; in such a case, an inactive member would be a part of the quorum. (11) By-Laws are enacted by a majority vote and may be amended in kind at a regular scheduled meeting of the Commission. Section 2. Property (1) Any item purchased by the Commission shall remain the property of the Commission until disposed of in a manner to which satisfies any law that governs the action. (2) All property purchased by the Commission shall be held in accordance with La. R. S. 42: 1461. (3) Property owned by the Commission shall only be used for the express purpose of the Commission and not for personal reasons nor shared for that purpose. (4) All property of the Commission shall be inventoried and inspected at least once per calendar year with a full reporting at the first meeting of the calendar year. Section 3. Employees The Commission shall have the power to hire employees and/or laborers as the need arises. Compensation shall be based on reasonable terms for the time expanded by the employee. The hiring of such employees shall not violate any conflict of interest and/or La. R.S. 42:1102 (Louisiana Ethics Law). Section 4. Finances (1) The Commission shall derive revenue from means of a legal nature (i.e., the sale of alligator eggs, proceeds from trappers, and camp fees, etc.). The Commission may levy hunting or recreational fees as it deems necessary. (2) No purchases shall be made without the approval of a simple Commission majority at a meeting, except that emergency needs may be purchased with a called vote of the Commission; and subsequent notification by the Secretary to the Chairman. (3) A financial statement shall be presented at each Commission meeting by the person so designated to maintain such records. ARTICLE IV. Camp Leases Each new section of property shall be leased based on a simple measurement of 50', 100', etc. lots (front footage). The fee for such leases shall be based on a rate equal to the fair market value of like leases within the Parish of Lafourche. Leases shall become due on a Calendar Year of Jan 1st. running through December 31st. ARTICLE V. Hunting and Fishing (1) Hunting and fishing rules and regulations published by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries within LA R. S. 56 will apply. (2) The Commission may affect a permit fee to the public for the privilege of hunting or fishing within the boundaries of the Commission. (3) The Commission may affect certain rules governing the placement of blinds and or deer stands. ARTICLE VI. Enforcement Enforcement of any rule or regulation that may be enacted shall be the responsibility of the Chief Law Enforcement of the Parish, the Sheriff. All other enforcement agencies who are commissioned to enforce the laws of the state with Lafourche Parish may also enforce all such matters of law within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Commission. ![]() |